Faust: 石器时代的王者
Faust - Live in Lyon
Faust: 石器时代的王者
Faust: Kings of the Stone Age
by David Keenan, The Wire, 22 Mar 2003
A major interview and retrospective article in The Wire, March 2003
“关于Faust的成立,其中一个原因仅仅只是我已经厌倦了我所知道的所有声音。” Werner 'Zappi' Diermaier面无表情说道,这位身躯巨大的乐队鼓手和乐队“主持人”因为晚间较早时候的拍摄准备,疲惫地躺在沙发床上。Hans Joachim Irmler,前键盘手,在床的另一头说道:“因为经历了可怕的战争之后,德国已经被摧毁了,在某程度上,也算是一种因祸得福。所有的事情都从零开始;工业、艺术,等等的一切。上一代没有留下任何东西给这一代,而我们又不愿意和上一代合作。我们在我们自己的录音室里发明了‘人工音乐’,它们与主流的西方音乐没有关系。后来我们称其为‘德国摇滚’(Krautrock),原因是这里面的两样东西我们都没有。我们去英国或法国南部时,人们都会谈论起‘krauts’,指的是德国的上一代人。我们想完全与他们保持距离,正像我们拒绝继承传统的摇滚形式。所以‘德国摇滚’(Krautrock)是讽刺的,我们既不‘德国’也不‘摇滚’,实质上我们站在了对立面。”
"One part of the Faust story is I simply got bored with all known sounds," deadpans Werner "Zappi" Diermaier, Faust's gargantuan percussionist and "master of ceremonies". He's lying flat on his back on a sofabed, still in the fatigues he pulled on for the photo shoot earlier in the evening. "Another part might be Germany itself," Hans Joachim Irmler, keyboardist, offers from the other side of the bed. "Because after this crazy war Germany was completely destroyed and in a way this was a blessing in disguise. Everything had to begin again from zero; industry, the arts, everything. There was nothing left for our generation and we refused to have anything to do with the generation that came before us. We invented artificial music, music that we created in the studio on our own, music that had little to do with western music in general. Later we called it 'Krautrock' because that consisted of the two things that we weren't. When we went to England or the South of France people would talk about krauts, referring to the generation of Germans that had come before us. We wanted to distance ourselves from that completely, just as we refused to have anything to do with handed down rock forms. So Krautrock was ironic, it was everything that we weren't, everything we stood against."
Faust现在完全地独立了,他们和Irmler的妻子、Cornelia Paul运营着他们自己的厂牌Klangbad,他们在Irmler夫妇家的地下室建造了一个录音室,那是在德国的南方,巴登-符腾堡州的Dürmentingen小镇的边界。
“Faust是一个项目,不是一个摇滚乐队。” Irmler反驳道。Diermaier 补充说:“其中一条原则就是我们的任何一种组合形式都会是Faust,但你们要相信Faust并彻底地信任我们”。
“我们跟灰野敬二在美国的死谷合作过,” Diermaier说。“那是一个很简单的想法,我们各自站在了不同的山坡上,并用金属、迪吉里杜管(澳大利亚土著使用的一种乐器)和人声作为信号传给对方。灰野非常疯狂,尖叫和抽搐。他总是坚持戴着墨镜,即使在黑暗中也是。但那是在沙漠,太阳很大很猛,他却脱下了墨镜。他真的体型比较小,有一次我不小心将我的金属棒敲到了他头上。”
They're now completely independent, running their own label, Klangbad, in association with Irmler's wife, Cornelia Paul, and they've set up a studio in the basement of Irmler and Paul's home on the edge of the tiny village of Bad Dürmentingen, in Germany's deep south.
"Faust is a project, not a rock band," Irmler ripostes. "A part of the rule we had was that any combination of us could be Faust," Diermaier adds. "But you have to trust in Faust and to believe in it totally."
"We played with Haino in the US, at a concert in Death Valley," Diermaier says. "It was a very simple idea, we all stood on various peaks and signalled to each other with metal, didgeridoo and voices. Haino was absolutely possessed, just screaming and jerking. He always insists on wearing his sunglasses, even in the dark, but there in the desert, with the sun beating down, he took them off. He's very small and I accidentally smacked him on the head with one of my metal poles."
Werner“Zappi”Diermaier - 鼓 Drums
Jean Hervé Péron - 人声 Vocals / 贝斯 Bass / 吉他 Guitar
Maxime Manac’h - 键盘 Keyboards / 吉他 Guitar
Faust - It's a Rainy Day (Sunshine Girl) (1972)
关于 Faust
Faust在1994年间宣布重组,并在1995年底发表了交由纽约市前卫音乐奇才Jim O’Rourke监制的回归专辑《Rien》时,唱片固然是让大家如斯引颈、以待而来。当年在香港怎也买不到此专辑,我那张是当时在东京的Rough Trade所购买的,顿时有一种如获至宝的感觉。
Faust - Rien
《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》是Faust 的2009年新作,也是乐团的第九张官方录音室专辑。原装成员Werner "Zappi" Diermaier和Jean-Hervé Péron,加上来自法国Post-Rock乐队Ulan Bator的Amaury Cambuzat,便是现今Faust的三人阵容。
· 他们来自Wümme
Faust是70年代初在德国触发起Krautrock运动的其中一支奠定性乐团,当年以位于汉堡与毕莱梅之间的乡郊小镇Wümme为基地的他们(亦有被视为来自汉堡),最为前卫摇滚乐迷所津津乐道,是Faust通过Free Rock、电声学实验拼贴以及其达达主义概念所打造出其Krautrock风格,他们在1971年发表的首张同名专辑《Faust》已见证了他们这种别树一帜的音乐路线。
Uwe Nettelbeck是Faust的幕后军师(他已在2007年因癌病逝世),他不仅是乐队的伯乐、唱片监制与企划,甚至Faust也是由他撮合而成(成员本是来自两支不同的乐团)。
Faust的典故之一,是乐团那所由乡村学校改建而成的私人录音室Wümme Studio(由乐队所属唱片厂牌Polydor提供资金),当年Faust便在这里孕育激发起他们无穷的前卫不羁破格意念,与履行Studio-as-instrument的录音室实验。其御用录音师Kurt Graupner亦固然功不可没,没有他为乐队订造设计的「黑盒」Effect Box,Faust的乐曲也不会充斥着种种奇异声响而来。
乐队的首张专辑《Faust》(其印上X光手掌丝网图案的透明封套配透明胶唱片之美轮美奂型格设计又是他们另一前卫典故)、高度折衷性的第二张专辑《So Far》(1972年)、天马行空疯狂拼贴的第三张专辑《The Faust Tapes》(1973年),以及与美国Avant-Garde音乐家Tony Conrad合作的《Outside The Dream Syndicate》,全都在Wümme Studio诞生。来到2000年底,Recommended厂牌为Faust出版了《The Wümme Years 1970-1973》这套Box Set,正是他们在这个时期的作品全集。
· 英伦攻略
Faust在70年代得以成功冲出德国,因为他们其后被新成立的英国厂牌Virgin Records罗致,与Tangerine Dream先后成为这所由Richard Branson开设的新晋独立厂牌之开荒牛德国Krautrock乐团(早年的Virgin以出产Prog Rock见称)。《The Faust Tapes》为他们首张在Virgin旗下的出品,专辑当年还以48便士的单曲价发行,以助促销。
随着Faust与Polydor脱离宾主关系,Polydor亦收回Wümme Studio。然后乐队的第四张专辑《Faust IV》,被带到英国的The Manor Studios灌录(同期在Manor录制的还有Virgin头号乐手Mike Oldfield的首张专辑《Tubular Bells》),也是他们首张并非在其自家录音室Wümme录制的唱片。在不一样的环境与器材下,故《Faust IV》亦被指为失去了他们以往的实验气息。
· 苏醒与活跃
沉寂接近二十年,Faust终告苏醒——原装成员Werner "Zappi" Diermaier、Jean-Hervé Péron、Hans Joachim Irmler在1994年间正式将Faust重组,对于这队Krautrock先锋来说是一个新的开始。
对比起一众在90年代复活的德国Krautrock元老乐团,Faust似乎是最为持续性合作的一队。然而重组后的Faust,也未见稳定。先是Péron在1997年离队,随之是看到由Zappi和Irmler与新成员所构成的新阵容——直至2004年。跟着到Irmler退出,然后Zappi找Péron归队再重组一队「新Faust」,二人再加上Amaury Cambuzat,便是现今Faust的铁三角。
纵使自复合以来他们也经过多次改组变阵,但这十多年来Faust确实不断有演出与有新唱片面世,活跃度极高。尤其踏入二千年后,Faust可谓处于蛮多产的状态,除了录音室专辑外,还有现场演出专辑、DVD影片、Box Set、Remixes、Re-issue等出品;同时他们又偶有对外的合作,比如2004年美国新泽西Avant Hip Hop组合Dälek合作的《Derbe Respect, Adler》专辑,抑或2007年底发表与英国噪音团体Nurse With Wound合作的限量发行的《Disconnected》专辑。重组后的Faust俨如火麒麟。
· 歌曲原貌
在我心目中,Faust重组后最优秀的专辑,是1999年的《Ravvivando》,然后便到这次的《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》。两者的出版日子刚好相隔了十年,当然乐团阵容也大为迥异(不变的只有鼓手Zappi一人),所以那大可视为Faust在不同时期的代表作。
回顾前作《Disconnected》与Nurse With Wound合作,那其实是把其歌曲交由他们的Steven Stapleton和Colin Potter作加工Remix诠释处理而成。现在《C'est Com...Com...Complique》所收录的,正是这批由Tobias Levin在汉堡Electric Avenue Studio灌录的歌曲之原装版本。
在《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》里,我们继续可以找到多首扣人心弦、荡气回肠的Krautrock乐曲,如开场曲《Kundalini Tremolos》已彰显到这点,而向意大利古典作曲家罗西尼(Gioachino Rossini)致敬的《Bonjour Gioacchino》、《Accroché à tes Lèvres》、《Ce Chemin est le Bon》亦如是;而长达十三分钟的主题曲《C'est Com...Com...Compliqué》更渐渐由扑朔迷离而推至漫天无际的即兴Space Rock局面。与此同时,也有大玩人声Chanting实验的《Stimmen》。
· 重拾温婉Acoustic
而《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》之惊艳,是Faust竟重拾回他们的Song-Based与Acoustic化的一面,带来是两首温婉美丽的半Acoustic作品《Petits Sons Appétissants》和《Lass Mich》,前者萦绕心头且美不胜收,后者诗意冷静,这是近年Faust难得地悦耳动听的歌曲——其实他们以往也偶有这样的Acoustic之音,别忘记其1972年专辑《Faust So Far》的一首木结他小品《On The Way To Abamäe》吧。
今天Faust的主唱与朗读一职都落在后辈Amaury身上,他来自法兰西嘛,也是为什么堂堂一队德国Krautrock老祖,在《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》里的都是法文歌。
Faust《C'est Com...Com... Compliqué》
· FAUST乐团简史
演出者 Artists
Werner “Zappi” Diermaier - 鼓 Drums
Jean Hervé Péron - 人声 Vocals / 贝斯 Bass / 吉他 Guitar
Maxime Manac’h - 键盘 Keyboards / 吉他 Guitar
嘉宾 Guest
灰野敬二 Keiji Haino - 人声 Vocals
他们收获了太多赞誉:20世纪音乐的关键人物、摇滚乐的神来之笔、Krautrock的先驱,反传统的异类…… 也有人将他们嗤之为不知羞耻的半吊子。人们对于他们对达达主义、前卫摇滚和自由即兴的拼贴创作有着截然不同的看法,从1970年一直到现在,这种分歧从未消失。
而不可否认的是,他们深刻地影响了许多音乐人和乐队,包括Brian Eno、Joy Division、Cabaret Voltaire、Einstürzende Neubauten、My Bloody Valentine和Julian Cope等,以及一众工业摇滚乐队和Techno乐队。
Inventors of “Krautrock”, iconoclasts extraordinaire, faUSt are key figures in 20th Century music. In the early 70's, along with Can and Kraftwerk, they re-invented pop music as a specifically European art-form. Virtually imprisoned by Polydor in their own studio for two years, they were able to revolutionize the whole process of musical production; they improvised with industrial noise, generated bizarre hypnotic grooves, indulged in shockingly willful studio-based collages, and dabbled with every conceivable musical genre, sometimes simultaneously!
Whilst some lauded faUSt as the best thing that ever happened to rock, others dismissed them as shameless Dilettantes. Their collage of Dadaism, avant-garde rock and free improvisation radically divided opinion from 1970 till now.
Amongst those faUSt have strongly influenced we must count Brian Eno, Joy Division, Cabaret Voltaire, Einstürzende Neubauten, My Bloody Valentine, Julian Cope and a host of Industrial and Techno bands.
For the first time ever, faUSt is going to perform in China! Keiji Haino will perform with faUSt – the first time they all met was in 1994 during the USA tour where they performed together!
Empty your mind, come with no expectations — they are here to fill you up.
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Presale: 80 RMB, At Door: 100 RMBAll Pass: 450 RMB (1 T-Shirt included)* Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose. * Presale service available until 0:00 on the day. ①Taobao: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=529621806354②Youyanchu: https://youyanchu.com/show/21552③Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, Building A5, North District of OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen) ④BookingPlease send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert: 1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the concert starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
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